Monday, March 22, 2010

Thank you

You make me laugh
when I'm blue.

You're there for me
no matter what I do.

Before I even ask,
you lend a hand.

You listen to me
and try to understand.

This and much more
is what your friendship
means to me.

You're a blessing
in my life and
you always will be.

I don't know what I'd
do without you--
I don't have a clue.

So I'm reaching out today
to say,

"Thank you!"

Pure Hearts and True Friends

When I think of pure hearts,
and friends that are loyal and true,
I know I've found the best of both
the day that I met you.

Your kindness is like
the sun's golden rays,
touching those in need.

There's thoughtfulness and warmth
in your every word and deed.

You always do the best you can
to see others through,
and the many gifts you give others
will return many times to you.